
  • Spicy Feisty Client Anon.

    Heidi has had such a huge impact on my relationship with my ADHD and I cannot believe the progress I've made over the course of our sessions! I felt so lost and unsure of myself after my late diagnosis and coaching helped me re-think all aspects of my life and start working with my brain, instead of against it. Her continuous validation and support meant so much to me and I cannot recommend her enough!

  • Fabulous Client Anon.

    I wanted to say thank you so so much for all your help in our coaching sessions, it has had such a huge impact on my relationship with my ADHD and I wouldn’t be where I am right now without you💓

  • Super Star Client Anon.

    I'd give Heidi 100+ stars if I could!

    She was amazing & the difference I saw in myself from week 1 to the end of my coaching sessions was amazing.

    I also loved that she also gave me the space to have my own wee lightbulb moments as well as when I started out my sessions I was really lost/didn't feel like I knew myself at all anymore but turns out I am a lot more self aware than I thought!

  • Lovely Client Anon.

    I have loved being coached by Heidi.

    Having a safe space to be and think – without judgement and shame is priceless.

    She has helped me develop strategies to manage my struggles with RSD, procrastination and focus.

    I’ve got a lot more done as a result of our coaching and I’ve stopped getting in my own way so much.

    I know more challenges will come my way AND it’s really comforting to know her amazing support is there when needed.


  • Founder - Freelance Contractor Anon.

    Heidi has shown exceptional growth as a coach.

    She has demonstrated great skills of
    professionalism, empathy and knowledge whilst coaching clients. Heidi's enthusiasm, determination and support for others has been seen through engaging with peer supervision and undertaking additional opportunities such as hosting group coaching sessions for students in training.

    Heidi has consistently received excellent feedback from our clients and has empowered them to change their lives, working with their ADHD, instead of against it.

  • Fantabulous Client

    I was matched up with Heidi, and we immediately got on! our interests are really alike, and also our experiences with ADHD was rather similar too. It was really affirming and encouraged me to continue with the sessions :)Heidi was amazing! so supportive and accommodating. She also really listened, and made sure to repeat things and make sure to repeat when needed :) Also Heidi is just so lovely, and always found positives even though I seemed to be having a rough week. It helped to keep me going! Heidi's knowledge of ADHD and brains was fascinating, and it really helped to make sense of why I am the way I am, and what things I can work with, instead of against. - Al Hill

  • Creative Spirit Client

    I clicked with Heidi straight away and absolutely loved working with her over the last few months. Heidi was great at communicating and coaching where I needed it and helping me find the tools and strategies I needed to manage my ADHD within both work and personal life! I've been able to apply these more within the last few weeks and have seen a huge difference in overwhelm, burn out and RSD especially. Heidi is an amazing coach! - Hanna Poole 

  • Glitter Ball Girlie Client

    Heidi was incredible! We connected from the get go and she created a safe and welcoming space for me to talk. She helped me to connect the dots and learn about how my ADHD is linked to so many things and the way my brain works. This experience has honestly been life changing for me - I feel like I finally understand myself and feel more empowered than ever to be myself, embrace my ADHD and live authentically as me! Everything about my experience was positive. From the process of onboarding, the coach accountable system and of course my sessions with my fabulous coach Heidi. I couldn't have asked for more...... Alice Fuller

  • Mountain Climbing Client!

    Heidi is amazing <3 I was always looking forward to our coaching sessions as it always left me feeling empowered and optimistic. I felt genuinely supported by my coach throughout our time together - it felt amazing to share my struggles with someone who completely understood and helped me work through them. As someone who is usually the "therapist" to all my friends, this was refreshing. I learned a lot about myself and the way my ADHD manifests - as a result I am kinder to myself and judge myself less which means I am genuinely more happier. I now feel like I can handle anything life throws at me and have bigger confidence in myself....... Kristina Gibovska.

  • Bad B*tch Client

    Since working with Heidi I have had so much more confidence in myself. She has made me see my ADHD as something that makes me unique and high value instead of feeling like I was a failure for not performing in a neurotypical way. I have learnt that my creativity is an asset rather than a distraction and I am no longer ashamed of struggling with things I’d always thought “normal people” found easy like budgeting and impulse control. Heidi has given me methods for making my strengths and weaknesses work for me and since beginning coaching I have managed to almost halve my debt using ADHD friendly methods for saving and budgeting specially tailored to my needs. She has also shown me the importance of self care to prevent burnout and overwhelm and this, in turn, has improved my symptoms of anxiety and depression.