About Me
My name is Heidi and I am a UK based ADHD Coach - with ADHD! A little bit about me:
I have a gorgeous Mini Sausage Dog called Sooty - she keeps me on my toes... she acts as my Emotional Wellbeing Support Manager, and is the most sassy, neurospicy sausage pup you've ever seen! <3
I am a big fan of charity shops, movies, music, crafts, sewing and photography. I love to try new foods (sensory friendly haha), and as silly as this might sound, I am excited that I know what my favourite colours are: Red, Turquoise, Black, Royal Blue and White. Before my ADHD Diagnosis if someone asked me that question, I wouldn't know how to answer because I genuinely didn't know! I have a love affair with Converses, Dr Martens, velvet and denim, all of which I love to wear and sew with!
I love a project from up cycling charity shop finds to furniture and love learning a new skill! I am currently busy learning Procreate, and planning to try some fun new things in 2024 including learning the keyboard, crocheting, a holiday and some more digital design/work projects and of course more learn much much more about ADHD!
Firstly - It is still crazy to me that I am writing this as a self employed ADHD/AuDHD Coach when not so long ago, I felt stuck and miserable, my confidence was so low, and I had lost zest & energy for my life. I didn't know anything about myself at all, it was like I was living in someone elses story book!
I just felt like I was living the same day over, I was doomed to be stuck In the same place, with the same job alone and feeling unhappy. I struggled to socialise, travelling was completely off the table, and I didn't dare to dream as I genuinely couldn't seem to turn the switch on to make my life start running! No matter how many times I kept trying to 'start fresh on Monday' and telling myself that "I was going to make things better and get there this time" each week I would reach the same point where I had tried my hardest for change but nothing happened! I felt like a failure and beat myself up constantly..... (But now I know that this was RSD!)
I was lucky in lots of ways, as I had managed to maintain a job, and keep a roof over my head (and back then my lovely fluffy cat buddy - Tiger!)! I had done well in school, but I had no idea that all the challenges I was experiencing and the way I was feeling was not my fault. I was constantly masking and overwhelmed, repeating the same sabotage and burnout cycles over and over again caused by my neurodivergent brain - my ADHD!
Getting diagnosed was really challenging! I didn't believe that I had ADHD for a long time... It wasn't until I was re-introduced to what ADHD could actually look like, both in person and from seeing others on social media during Covid who were sharing there ADHD stories!
When I did come round to the idea and recognised it, I had to push to be screened - and don't get me wrong, my GP is honestly the most lovely person, but when you have a 'history' of mental health diagnosis and the stereotype/lack of studies in to ADHD and different ways it presents - how was she going to know that it could be something that shows up for me!?
I got screened over a series of appointments before I was referred for diagnosis - I scored 97/100 on the screening alone... and I started believing that maybe I wasn't an imposter! After just under a year (I got in just at the right time) I was diagnosed with combined type ADHD - with severe inattentive traits alongside internal hyperactivity. I literally broke down with happy tears, full on ugly crying over video call to the doctor... I finally had my answer, I hadn't been 'faking' it! I shared the news with family and some close friends... but as the initial elation wore off - things began to feel a bit real....
I was scared to tell people about my diagnosis - What if I got treated badly/isolated/discrimated against because of this label... I hate labels anyway but the stereotype/bias that I felt when I first got diagnosed was strong! I was grieving! But when I started meeting other people like me, and got introduced to this amazing neurodivergent community - I felt accepted, validated and like I belonged! We really are the neurospiciest family ever and I LOVE it!
I had a long wait before I was able to go through titration and try medication - I was reluctant to try medication at first because I was scared of what the impact of the drugs would have on me, and my body, but the worst fear was "What if they don't work?". I needed a plan of what to do next just in case... and now I had the 'label' - surely there was support for me? e.g. therapy, counselling, or a plan to teach me about ADHD and how to move forward living life? But when I asked my doctors, there wasn't!? There weren't any resources or anything that they could give me! I WAS SHOCKED & CONFUSED! How can you not give someone any direction when this huge life changing diagnosis that you have no knowledge of has just been dropped on you!
Well, let me tell you - this fuelled a fire in me... I was going to do what I always had done, and rely on my own learning, research - leaning in to the ADHD Hyperfocus and find my answers! I reached out and joined the neurospicy community to help guide me via social media, groups and friends/family. I re-directed my research on to strategies and ways to live with ADHD, and how I could help myself. As I started making small changes to my lifestyle that worked with my neurospicy brain, and prioritised my Spoons (energy levels) and capacity for tasks/situations, and NOT WHAT SOCIETY TOLD US THIS SHOULD BE, I saw results! I started feeling great, strong empowered! I felt PROUD OF MYSELF for the first time - and honestly ugly cried a whole bunch! I started being a lot more forgiving of myself - and my past, and reflecting on everything was like piecing together a puzzle finally! Then I found out about ADHD Coaching!
I have always loved helping others - and always liked the concept of coaching, and it clicked - I had to be a part of bridging the gap between being diagnosed and post diagnosis support/learning. I was going to be the person that I needed when I got diagnosed, and share my knowledge and skills so that others won't have to suffer like I did. Like an ADHD Yoda!
There is an unknown amount of people who have absolutely no idea that they have ADHD or are neurodivergent. My goal is to make sure that I do everything I can to raise awareness about neurodiversity so that no one has to go through and feel how I did! I can't stand by and let that happen!
ADHD has become my special interest and because I can do all of the learning & research and better yet, ENJOY IT - I can use this to help myself & others! I am doing everything I can to raise awareness, educate myself and others, and by sharing my experiences - I could help others to get answers and drive change to get the support the neurospicy community need and deserve!
Support needs to be accessible and easy to access - a one stop shop of support and knowledge with someone to help guide you on this journey! When I discovered ADHD Coaching - I knew what I wanted to do... I retrained, and now I am bridging the gap in pre/post diagnosis & support for ADHDers. I get to help amazing people with neurospicy brains by doing everything I can to provide help & support that I felt I needed when I found out about my ADHD!
Having retrained as a coach, I could channel my love & interest in ADHD, creativity, learning etc. in to ADHD Coaching which is actively helping people. Whether diagnosed or self diagnosed with ADHD, I get to help you to become an ADHD detective! I help you understand how your unique brain works, and find out what is you, and what is ADHD. Together we are creating a 'You-ser' manual so you have a set of instructions that works specifically for you!
As a coach myself - I still have to work hard to manage my daily life with ADHD Coaching too because it helps me to stay accountable and in control of my neurospicy brain!
I may have the knowledge and understanding to help/coach others - but it is really difficult sometimes to apply all of these skills consistently to yourself - I have support to help me with my ADHD. I recently got awarded the Access to Work GOV.UK Grant, which is paying for support that I need/am entitled too, like a Virtual Admin and ADHD & Workplace Strategy Coaching. If you are based in the UK - check out my page on Access To Work Here for more information!
Well... keep watching this space to see what I get up to next!
Love Heidi xo - ADHD, Life & Workplace Strategy Coach and CEO of Neuro-Stitch!