Neuro-Stitch: Behind the Name & Logo
The Neuro-Stitch Logo
The name 'Neuro-Stitch' popped into my head a few months after I was first diagnosed with ADHD and I instantly loved it! I wrote it in down in one of my many notebooks (so I wouldn't forget!), and started drawing potential logos - never thinking in a million years I might do something with it! But from May 22 to now... I DID!
Neuro-Stitch combines two passionate interests:
1. The unique ways that each person's brain works and how these differences can impact each of us positively and negatively - making it my mission to help ADHDers understand themselves and provide support by bridging the gap! or stitching together new knowledge with all types of people! 🖤🧠
2. My love of creativity and problem solving, especially in my projects and hobbies like sewing - hence stitching together clues and being your own ADHD Detective!🪡🔍
Together they symbolise the need to stitch together information, understanding & knowledge about neurodiversity within society. Each person with ADHD/AuDHD is unique, like your fingerprints, no two peoples are identical.
It's important to factor in passions, motivations, environment, support, interests, strengths and challenges & avoid the one size fits all/suits all narrative to help all people (especially ADHDers) go from fear to thrive and live their best lives! 🫶 -
The Neuron + Colours
The O in neuro is based on a Neuron. Neurons are the pathways that carry signals through the brain and our bodies, via the central nervous system that controls how we move, think and feel (like the CEO of our BRAIN) - which has a big impact on our Executive Functioning skills.
Neuro-transmitters including Dopamine (which is a chemical in the brain linked to ADHD) are carried through Neurons which are responsible for helping us with any day to day tasks, emotional regulation etc. (our executive functioning skills - like the CEO of our Brain)
The colours in the logo based on some of my favourite colours - but wanted my brand to be colourful, bright, happy and fun! But as long as it was neurodivergent friendly and accessible but reflected me I was happy! Our recent Neuro-Stitch Rebrand has hit the nail on the head I think!REMEMBER - YOU'VE GOT THIS! XO